Sunday, May 20, 2012

Hot Dog!

Today I went shopping at Lowe's for a new BBQ.  We walked around the store quite a bit.  Anytime we stopped I laid down, the cold floor felt so good on my belly.  I took a quick break before paying for our BBQ
When I went back home it was so hot outside that a small pool was outside for us to cool off.  I was unsure what to do.  I thought it was just a huge water bowl at first.  Juno loved to hog the whole pool and lay down inside.
This sure is a big bowl of water

My feet feel so cooool

I even play catch with my sister, Juno.  She was so nice to me and let me have the frisbee a few times.
Flying Ears!

I needed to take a break though to chew on my foot and just rest.