Today I went to a homecoming parade for Utica High School. Even though my family attends Stevenson High School, Erika marched in the parade. I was standing right at the sidelines and could see all the cool floats, marching bands and cars go by. People even threw candy from the cars I wanted to see what the candy was, but mom said I had to leave it. I was a good girl and did well at the leave it exercise.
While I was watching the parade a police office, actually a Deputy Chief, of the city of Utica came by to talk to me and mom. He thought I was the most beautiful dog and we took a picture with him. I was on my best behavior at the parade and mom was so proud of me. I am learning so many new things.
Waiting for the parade to start |
Erika marching with her bass clarinet |
Haley and the Deputy Chief of Utica |
See my pearly whites |